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Displaying a Pretty Coupon

Other than using the predefined areas of My Account, Cart or Checkout pages on the edit coupon page, you can also use a shortcode to display one or multiple coupons. Currently there is two shortcodes:

  1. Pretty-coupon (displays one coupon)
  2. X-pretty-coupon (displays a list of coupons)

Single Pretty Coupon Shortcode

While using the shortcode named “pretty-coupon” you have two options of how to select a specific coupon to display. You can use the coupon code, or the ID of the coupon. Currently, if an ID is specified, the shortcode ignores the specified coupon code.

Multiple Pretty Coupon Shortcode

While using the shortcode named “x-pretty-coupon” you can display any number of pretty coupons, up to all the pretty coupons that have images defined. This can be executed in two ways:

  1. Comma separated list of coupon codes to display
  2. Comma separated list of coupon IDs to display

Just like the single pretty-coupon shortcode, using a list of IDs will make the list of coupon codes be ignored.

The other available option is the num option which limits how many coupons will be displayed. If the shortcode is used without specifying any options, all pretty coupons will be displayed. Example: [x-pretty-coupon /]

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